Posts Tagged ‘Death Penalty


IN SEARCH OF THE ULTIMATE PREDATOR – Tracking The Self-Endangering Species

How many times have you heard it stated that the toughest, strongest, fastest, and most violent of man will control the fate of every creature on this planet? Isn’t that in part what Darwin was speaking of in his theory of survival of the fittest? But what about the animal that will torture its young for the mere pleasure of having ultimate power over another creature? The animal that will watch and wait for the chance to despoil one of its own. A being that has proven time and again that some of them can derive the greatest satisfaction when participating in the most violent acts.

No other animal for just the sheer pleasure of it attacks its own young. Not reptile, bird, or warm-blooded creature does this. True, an alligator will eat young alligators and male lions may eat the young of the prior alpha male both in an attempt to survive and to have their bloodlines and genes added to the species, although these attacks are not done with malice. On the contrary, this is part of their evolutionary traits. Even with attacks within species, the mothers do what they can to protect the lives of their young. However the contemptible creature that I refer to is not always loathsome.  On one hand they can be capable of beauty, love, compassion, and intelligence beyond compare. Something evidently goes haywire with some of them, and it is then that they become capable of such vile and despicable acts of depravity it completely baffles the imagination. It is the most abominable creature that crawls along God’s earth.

Ladies and gentlemen, after years of extensive study may I present to you, “mankind.” It is only mankind that has been responsible for the most shameful deeds that could be plotted, and is the vilest creature that I have ever encountered in my life. From the ongoing bloody wars and genocide to the victimization of its own young, they have proven beyond a doubt that they should be considered the most dangerous of all species on earth. But yet, some can show such love and dedication. Enough so that they risk their own lives for those they do not even know. What is there that I am somehow missing here about their true intentions considering the vast scale of this mentally variable creature?

From time immemorial it has been man that was the problem. The world is a chess game based on world affairs to human affairs. Throughout mankind’s history, our history, you can analyze accounts of ancient times of kings, queens, lords, ladies, as well as the rich and powerful barons, landowners, and their strong-arm overseers. All of who willingly oppressed, starved, and sacrificed the peasantry to make their own existences more pleasurable. The weak, lame, and insignificants have always been forced into submission by the controlling dominates. It is no different today than it has been in the past. To confirm this fact we only need to look to the history books and the current news. Every time I turn on my computer. The last time I read a newspaper. There it is in black and white, child abuse and exploitation is ever present. This morning when I turned on my television to watch the morning news, yet another child’s life had been taken far too soon. This could have happened at the hand of a mother or father or even a stranger who did not believe that the child had the God given right to be on this planet and survive. I am overwhelmed by the fact that young mothers and fathers are executing their children before they have had a chance at life! These are the people who are supposed to be a child’s first line of defense. In the past few months I have heard entirely too many stories of the most scandalous, and ghastly acts that could be inflicted upon a child. I have felt a sickness in my stomach and bile rising in my gullet with some of the depictions.

For those of you who follow me on twitter, you have probably already seen the horrendous news articles reporting on child abuse, rape, murder, trafficking, and torture that I have posted and reposted. The pictures and commentaries are ever-present and seem to be unending. I reposted the article about the young mother who killed her 6 and 10 year old but then botched her own suicide. (Maybe she should have just killed herself first to make sure she could get it right!) A professor, pediatrician, schoolteachers, paramedic, clergy, and even police are among those charged with sexually abusing little ones. Family members and caregivers molesting and hurting little children has become commonplace. Some of these are children so young that they are unable to communicate the details
of their abuse and rapes. These are stories of unspeakable maltreatment. Ones like the one of the mother who streamed the video of her performing oral sex on her 2 year old daughter for some pervert she met online. (She had her five year old record it!) The account of the mother who was trying to sell her thirteen year old daughters virginity on line for $10,000. Stories of murdered babies. Children who have been starved, caged, beaten, suffocated, scalded, burned with an iron, and two foster boys beat with a wire brush. I posted a story about a 2 year old that was “spanked” to death. How the HELL do you “spank” a child to DEATH!?! Isn’t there a point at when there is no moral way you can call this form of sadistic abuse spanking? The story of the ten week old twins who had acute fractures that were far too many to list. How can a parent be so dastardly as to break numerous bones in a tiny set of infants, whose bones are supposed to be too soft to break!?! This isn’t even remotely addressing the rapes and sexual abuse of thousands of other innocent youngsters.

We have government, local, and worldwide agencies whose sole purpose has been for the protection of the young, so why is the problem escalating? Do they even care? It is discouraging how the facts are now worse than they were fifty years ago. Supposedly, we have learned how abuse scars children for life. We have learned that there are alternatives to beating our children, and yet the abuse of children has touched every country and every citizen of the world. So, one of the articles I reposted was how badly the abuse rates rose and the numbers of children who ended up being abused during potty training time, or ages 2 to 4. Of course, these little ones can be trying. It is supposed to be a time of discovering independence, and even defiance for them. Sometimes they throw fits and sometimes they still accidently wet or soil themselves. They pour their milk on the floor just to watch it splash. They can cause more trouble in a bathroom than one person could possibly believe. It is part of growing up! It IS part of learning. These are not crimes that deserve the death penalty! But, repeatedly that is exactly what they are!

I often wonder if people have any tell-tale prior signs that they have a predisposed mental insanity trait that causes them to be so very brutal towards their own infants or toddlers. Violence in any way, shape, or form where little people are concerned, is not acceptable. There is of course little doubt that punishment is an important part of learning as is gaining a special treat or receiving something for proper behavioral responses. However, rational people are consciously aware of the dangers of any type of excessive force or punishment. A child is not a punching bag, and neither should their mother and siblings be. Way too often the perpetrator has some sort of excuse that they think will exonerate them of the crime. Like the victim really deserved it because of some offense. However, children who are hurt, disabled, or killed due to unrestricted or vindictive use of excessive force are not children being punished. They move into the category of victims of violent crimes. As I sit and contemplate the whys of this horrendous crime, I also have to wonder as to just why do people who have done these horrible things don’t just give the child to someone who isn’t going to starve, hurt, or kill them. I would hope that there was a point where the parent might have some glimpse of compassion towards their child!

It has become quite obvious to me that the devaluation of a child is now the normal way of life. If one listens to the proponents of abortion on demand, one has to ask themselves just where does the line begin and where does it end when a life can simply be washed away without conscious? Abortion on demand for birth control is spreading those same attitudes towards older children. First comes the belief that the fetus is not a person, and then the idea escalates until a toddler is not a real person either.

I hear the excuse that these abusers were abused themselves and couldn’t help but be inhuman. Well, isn’t that all the more reason for that person to treat their child better? After all, they should be the ones to remember what pain and shame abuse causes the child. I believe the answer lies in many venues of society. In fact, parents and other people who maliciously and viciously slaughter, rape, abuse, or murder a child, whether it is their child or someone else’s, should face swift and certain justice and stiff penalties. Penalties as severe as the crimes they committed. Child molesters should never be allowed access to any children again! If we have to, this should be enforced with the death penalty. Death! Maybe the answer would be to publically take those people who abuse their kids and let a group of outraged citizens who are sickened and appalled by these child attacks and let the citizens stomp a damn mudhole out of them! Maybe when people propose to have children, they should be forced to undergo testing and then evaluation on the proper care of children. No, I am not talking about the state or federal people having control over testing or education, after all, we don’t want good little robots either. Let’s publicly execute a few of these animals and make it a media event. I often think that the only way we are going to stop atrocities like child abuse is to implement such drastic measures we either put fear into these animals or do away with them permanently! Even though this would be a far reaching answer, I hear no others.

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