
No Holiday For Predators

            On December 22th Americans on a whole prepared to celebrate the upcoming Christmas morning filled with children’s joy and the wonderment of Christmas magic. On Christmas day, it is the sound of children’s laughter that warms the human spirit. Many of us wait in anticipation to watch the amazement in our children’s eyes as they discover what the wizened old elf from the north left behind for each of them. Presents, bows, and floors littered with toys and bits of wrapping paper with squeals and sounds of intrigue as the day begins is something every parent hopes for. Likewise, in a home in Fort Wayne, Indiana, one little girl with hopes and dreams of Christmas presents, Santa Claus, and joy were locked firmly in her heart and soul. Little did anyone guess that this little girl’s life would be dashed to pieces by the hand of a monster. Never suspecting Mike Plumadore’s true motives for babysitting, an unwitting mother entrusted him with the lives of her three daughters, Aliahna Lemmon and her two siblings.

            He was living in a trailer park of approximately twenty-five homes, fifteen of which were occupied by convicted sexual predators. It was there that Aliahna’s mother’s worst nightmares would become a reality. Aliahna’s mother had the flu and her step-father worked nights. It seemed as if the easiest solution would be to have the girls stay with a trusted friend. The man who had cared for her dying grandfather until his death about a month earlier. Someone who had been close to the family for nearly four years. Michael Plumadore.

            It was at night that Plumadore raised the alert and called the police to report that Aliahna had mysteriously disappeared and was missing. He told the police that the younger sisters had told him the mother had picked her up and he had just found out that wasn’t true. Of course, the actions of the immediate neighbors were quite predictable. No one saw anything. The FBI was alerted and the search for the little girl went into full swing. Some of the Fort Wayne’s Sherriff’s Department had an itch, a hunch that not everything being told to them by Plumadore was completely accurate. They had that gut feeling that Mr. Plumadore was not telling the truth. Too many inconsistencies. The FBI stepped up the pressure on him and the action resulted in an almost gleeful confession to the murder of nine year old Aliahna Lemmon.

            Plumadore is not a registered sex offender in the state of Indiana, but had been in jail with another resident of the park for child molestation in 2006. He had been convicted of crimes in Indiana, North Carolina, and Florida. The horrific method of how this animal killed Aliahna was dark and diabolical in the worst sense. When police questioned Plumadore he almost gleefully explained how he had bludgeoned Aliahna to death with a brick. He went on to say how he then simply dismembered her little body and placed different pieces of her body in plastic freezer bags, keeping her head, hands, and feet in her grandfathers freezer and then discarding the rest in a local business’s dumpster. How could such a terrible thing happen you might ask? And why was there such ferocious cruelty used in her murder? With a life of crime on his books, Plumadore’s crimes slowly escalated in severity until murder was the next step in his criminal resume. Remember, he had spent time in prison in two other states before moving to Fort Wayne. Most people will find it absolutely imperative to place blame on someone for this crime. Many people will blame Aliahna’s mother for knowing the risks. She had even taken her father’s word that her kids would be safe even though he also was a convicted child molester! A majority of people will simply blame Plumadore due to the fact that he committed the crime. I will only say that both of them share a portion of the guilt, however, it is our permissive society that made it possible. The real culprits in this case my people is you and me. All of us made this crime possible through our inaction on important policy decisions.

            Our country has long been the target of a grand experiment brought on by wealthy socialist liberals who truly believe that any criminal or pedophile can be reformed. With wealth comes the power to reach and influence our lawmakers at the local, as well as the federal level changing their moral commitment to Americans and their children in the whole. They have peddled the idea to anyone who would listen that criminals are in some unimaginable way victims themselves and not really responsible for the mayhem they inflict on society. With handpicked liberal judges strategically placed in office and backed by big money from liberal backers and then adding the big money that seemingly holds sway over our lawmakers with what they like to refer to as soft money, we have changed the way criminals are treated. You always seem to hear the outcry over criminals having rights and that we have to treat them more humanely because they are really victims. On these points I call Bullshit! Hamstringed by perceived laws and law enforcement as well as supposed government rules, Americans barely have the right to defend themselves. Enough of this failed experiment! Until the American people make up their minds that it is high time we begin to cull the herd of animals that butcher our children and victimize we the people, crime will only flourish and grow worse until people will fear everyone they come in contact with. The wise old saying from the Old Testament must make a comeback. An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth, because the present world we live in is filled with those who would victimize us.


An Old Fashioned Christmas

            With the Christmas holiday season fast approaching, Boots and I found time to reminisce on our delightful childhood memories when we were filled with the awe of Christmas. We find we are still caught by the very simple things that surround us. Boots told me about looking back with fondness and amazement of the unpretentious Christmases of his early youth. Ahhh, those memories that catch in the throat and stir the soul. The memories of his mother and father, grandparents, a sister, brother, as well as aunts, uncles, cousins, and friends. It was thus that his entire family would spend the holidays celebrating and sharing what amounted to a real old fashioned Christmas. The town they lived in seemed to be filled by his family and the families who were different than them, with the knowledge that many generations ago, his family too were immigrants to this brand new land. Likewise, in this small bastion of civilization there now lived over fifty families who had only recently immigrated to our county declaring themselves to be Americans. Fifteen blocks long by two blocks deep was the size of his hometown and his world. To all of the kids language never presented any obstacles, but to their teacher who presided over the two room school house, I am sure it caused a great many. They had only one small church where because of expedience all faiths openly worshipped in that diminutive house of God without reservation.

            Although, Boots said that he believed that his fondest memories of all was one certain Christmas when he was six years old. Christmas Eve had arrived and of course all of the children in town had already compared notes on Santa Claus, Par Noel, and Sinter Claus among probably fifteen or more other names that to them meant only one thing. Magic. Pure magic. There was not a child in town who honestly expected very much for Christmas because of everyone’s financial state. However, they knew that the night rider of their hopes and dreams would always answer their call and surprise them. When Christmas Eve arrived, Boot’s grandmother (the matriarch) was in charge of the entire family as she had been for time immemorial. Under her guidance each of the children prepared themselves for inspection in preparation of going to midnight mass. He had to admit that he was curious as to who of those children that he knew would be at the church.

            As they approached the church, it seemed to Boots as if everyone from every house appeared there. Even though his family was assured their seating due to the purchase of the pews that they always sat in, it amused and gratified Boots to see everyone that he knew was there. It had already been decided by the parents that all of the families and their guests would come to the community house to have and share their Christmas feast together. With over fifty families coming from twenty or more different countries to live in America they all knew that there would be new and wonderful foods to taste and eat from every families Christmas celebrations menu and the delicacies that entailed. That mass, along with the differing faiths religious practices, spotlighted the one enduring truth that people used to live by. That one thing was the celebration of God the father and his son Jesus. The light, the way, and salvation of the world including all that it contains.

            Christmas morning arrived and all was as it should be. It was exciting along with very surprising. Of course the jolly old elf had made his secret visit just like clockwork. Even though their presents were mostly made up of those things that they needed, they were not disappointed in any way. There were very little, if any, store bought treasures that so many children in other places expected and had received. However, the village children were nonetheless pleased and happy beyond belief. Just to get a nice new refurbished or handmade gift was in so many ways far better than anyone had a right to expect. With every gift handed out and opened to squeals of delight it was time for the children to attempt to stay out of the way and out of trouble. The homes smelled of the wonderful aromas of cakes, candies, cookies, pies, and succulent roasting meats and foods from around the world. Boots knew that there was something truly magical to have your mouth burst out watering in pure anticipation while walking past a house, any house. When dinner was finally ready and the community house was filled with joyously happy people who spoke with broken English and foreign languages, the message was spoken out loud for all to hear by Mr. Gioncani, “We are all one family here and all of us by the grace of God. We are all Americans.”

            No one said I am a Spanish-American, Italian-American, or African-American. To the best of his knowledge there were not any wops, frogs, krauts, spics, or kikes there. On the contrary. At those tables shared by everyone, there were only American human beings. Members of the same family who not only enjoyed each other’s food, but treasured each other’s company and confidence. After all, there was only one family there.

May each of us remember our past Christmas joys as we watch little boys play with their new cars in elation.

May we see the light in her eyes when our little girls wake with surprise to the things that will inspire her life.

Merry Christmas to all the peoples of the earth. While we celebrate this time of peace and love, giving and charity, remember it is the birth of our savior that we commemorate on this holy day. Remember to spread this good news to each and every human that you know.

May the joy and peace of Christmas be with you now and throughout the New Year. Our wish this holiday season? A world to grow in where children will be safe and free. Peace.

Leola and Boots



             Why is it so hard for people to get involved before the fact? The other day I read about how a mother and her boyfriend systematically tortured the woman’s baby to death. The little girl had been being abused for her entire life, from birth to two years of age. Finally, after a particularly bad beating, the child became unresponsive and her abusers at long last got her medical attention This was the hospital where the little one subsequently died of the injuries she had received from these two monsters. The poor defenseless babe was covered head to foot with bruises, abrasions, and bite marks in various stages of healing. She had a previous untreated head fracture and several broken ribs. On top of all of this, she had a broken femur bone. The fact that this toddler was so severely beaten and abused makes me sick to my stomach, but in reality it is the neighbors that I am appalled with.


            At that moment when the baby died it seemed as if every neighbor came forward to tell the sordid facts of what they knew. They had witnessed the boyfriend forcing the tot to walk around in the backyard on her broken leg. When she screamed in pain, the boyfriend just told her to get tough! And this evidently was not the first time the neighbors had heard the desperate screams of pain and agony coming from baby, as well as the domestic abuse that was occurring between mom and her lover! It had been going on for almost two years that the onlookers knew of.


            What I want to say is directed at those looky-lous and ostriches that live in that child’s neighborhood.  You all knew what was going on and didn’t open your mouths or raise your voices to help the baby. I just don’t understand it! Why is it so hard for some people to get involved, especially when they see atrocities against children happening right in front of them? Everyone had something to say after the murder.  Why wait until now? Well, I have something to say to those neighbors. In my opinion each of you carries the guilt of murder on your head and soul. No, you didn’t hit that little one, but you knew and let it go on! Shame on you! I hope that when you sleep and dream of your own children, your dreams fade into nightmares. I personally believe that each neighbor who knew about the abuses going on and said nothing should be charged with complicity to commit murder, because YOU are responsible for not intervening to save a life. Every time I think about you people I simply feel like puking over your “fifteen minutes of fame” thanks to the death of a child! All of this brings to mind the plight of the Jewish peoples that suffered horribly at the hands of the Nazis and the German people who knew of the extermination camps, yet never lifted a hand nor a voice in protest. Well, at least until it was their turn. And that’s the way I see it!


Be a voice for the voiceless. They have a right to be heard.


Honoring America’s Military Men and Women

Happy Birthday United States Marine Corps! Founded in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania on November 10th 1775 the Marines have defended the
United States with the unending sprit that America was founded upon. In tribute, November 10th is held dear in the hearts of Marines everywhere not
only for the inception of the Corps, but in remembrance of those fellow Marines who have been lost in battle, those who have served proudly for their county,
and those serving now. Once a Marine always a Marine. It is a brotherhood that lasts for life. So, cut the cake and happy 236th!


A Marine is made up of many different parts, but this is what he is.

  1. A Marine is a man or woman who will risk everything, not just for their country, but for the love of their brother or sister Marine.
  2. A Marine is not only defined by his courage, but by his love and dedication to his fellow man.
  3. A Marine is judged no more harshly by others than by how he judges himself.
  4. A Marine is not satisfied with anything other than total victory in whatever they are doing, as failure is not an option.
  5. A Marine is dedicated to his God, country, family, his fellow Marines, and more important, to those who are too weak to save or protect themselves.
  6. A Marine does not weigh the odds of winning, but rather the many who oppose him. Whether it is one or one-thousand.
  7. Marines have only one objective. To win at any cost.
  8. Marines are not ordinary men and women. They are by most standards supermen, from the battle of Belleau Wood to the sands of Afghanistan.
  9. A Marine is a military man while during the heat of battle can stoop low to save a little child.
  10. A Marine is loyal to a fault, with a belief that what he is doing is true and right.

A Marine is many different things. He is your son or daughter. He is the son or daughter of your friends. He is maybe a son-in-law or a neighbor. In
fact, he or she could be anyone at all. So, sleep peacefully tonight American. Whether your police can keep you safe is questionable, however, the Marines are
always on guard.

 And while we are remembering our countries heroes, we come to November 11, the day dedicated to honor all those who have served in the military, those who have paid the price, because freedom is never free. My family and I wish to give thanks and offer encouragement to all of the veterans and active duty military in this great country of ours.  Know that in our hearts, we salute you with pride and you will always be honored.

John Fitzgerald Kennedy spoke these words, as true today as they were then, “As we express our gratitude, we must never forget that the highest
appreciation is not to utter words, but to live by them.”

Semper Fidelis.


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You love your child and try to keep them safe, but nonetheless, child sexual abuse is a prevalent problem in the United States and the possibility that one day your child might come to you and tell you of an abuse is a real fear for way too many parents. Sexual abuse of children has been committed by people that you might never think would hurt a child. It could be a teacher, church leader, neighbor, caregiver, or family member. They come from all walks of life. Child predators are good at deceiving and grooming, not only children, but sometimes their parents to fulfill their evil desires. Hopefully, you have kept the lines of communication open and your child will feel they can trust you with this humiliation that was perpetrated on them. They tell you they have been touched, and NOT in a good way. So what do you do now?

1. Believe them. Take what they say seriously. Keep your head. Do not rant or rave. This is an extremely sensitive time for your child. If they have come to you it is in confidence, you probably already have a good relationship. Do not promise not to tell if they tell you. If you really believe they have been molested, it has to be reported. This is the only responsible and protective thing you can do for them. It is your duty. Tell them that you will only tell others who will try to protect them and help them.

2. Make sure that they know that it is not their fault and that you love them, even if they were attacked in a place they were told to stay away from. This is not the time for discipline or punishment. Never be angry with them or scold them. Let them know that it was a very brave thing to do to come forward and tell. Reaffirm that they were not the ones who did anything wrong. Let them know that you are there to protect them.

3. Report it to the police. Get the situation investigated. (Sometimes children come up with stories that are not true, but this is a crime that MUST be investigated. Most molesters have probably already molested many children and they will molest again if they are not apprehended. This is a job for law enforcement. Do not confront the molester yourself!

4. Get a doctors exam for your child. You might think that this would just add trauma to your child, but often with sexual abuse there are physical injuries that could affect your child later in life. More and more sexually transmitted diseases have been reported with sexually exploited children. You would want to know of an STD as soon as possible. One more thing, that documentation can be used in court. It might mean the difference between an abuser facing justice or just walking free to molest yet again.

5. Seek counseling. Your child has been traumatized. They are experiencing emotions they have probably never felt before. Sometimes, it can be emotionally upsetting to talk of abuses to a parent. Often a child will open up to someone who is not a family member. Remember, most children will believe they did something to cause the abuse and that it was their fault.

6. Stand up for your child in court and do your best to make sure that their attacker is punished. The defense always tries to get the best deal for their client. They do this by trying to trip up a child’s testimony or make them believe the abuse was “not that bad.” Let your child know that telling the truth helps them and helps other children who might be abused. Let your kids know that you love them no matter what.

7. Realize that oftentimes the worst side effect of molestation is shame. Help your child to know that the responsibility lies with the perpetrator. Children often assume the guilt and feel they are responsible when they are abused. The shame does not lie with the child, only with the transgressor.

8. Forgive yourself. This can be a very difficult thing to do for a parent who has thought of themselves as protective and loving. Parents try to care and protect their children in every situation. Unfortunately, predators are skilled in the art of opportunity and manipulation. Just like with what you tell your child, the predator is totally to blame. When something like this happens you have to be strong for your child. Be an example by being brave enough to continue on.

Child molestation and sexual exploitation is always traumatic, but the child can go on to lead a normal life. They can still accomplish. They can still thrive. Help your child to have a happy rest of their lives. It is not unusual for a child to be withdrawn or depressed about what has happened to them. Intercede in this occurrence by making sure your child is seen by professional help. Make a difference. The difference could be a child that succeeds in life, or one that flounders by the wayside.



Today I read another one-hundred more inhuman and monstrous stories ofchild abuse and murder in the United States. This repugnant and inhumane abuse
meted out to the children of America must stop! I feel we have enough cause for an honest and genuine concern for the safety of all the children and we must
make a difference now. America used to be considered the land of the free and the home of the brave. Something my friends, has drastically changed in the mood and climate of America to possibly change that statement. I have to wonder if in truth that it is changing into the land of the cruel and the home of the

Today, as I said, I read over one hundred new cases of the horrendous treatment of children. These cases include torture, starvation, beatings, rape, unspeakable atrocities, and even murder, all of which top the list of crimes against children in our country today. If this number of reports was an aberration in behavior it might be easier to understand, but not condone. We might then be able to blame it on bad water or some natural disaster or even a financial catastrophe that caused these people to take out their extreme frustrations on the little guys in their care, however this is an everyday average number of cases and has been for quite some time. These are not the acts of intelligent people. On the contrary, these are the acts of people who are either low born criminals, or people who no longer care about life, no matter their station in life. These acts are no less vile then the Nazi atrocities perpetrated on the Jewish people or anyone else who is bent on torture and extermination. What of those children who have survived this type of treatment? Unfortunately, we have to be concerned that because of the treatment they received it might well be repeated, only in a far worse manner then what happened to them.

So, where does the problem lie? Maybe with our child protective services and police who look the other way, or don’t believe certain cases warrant delving into further? Maybe with our teachers who see some of these kids every day and know something is horribly wrong, but choose not to make waves? Could it be with the relatives who know their younger extended family members are being abused, or know the little guy’s mom’s are at their wits end or are mentally ill Perhaps the problem lies with mothers who leave their children with abusive boyfriends. Possibly, the fault could lie with neighbors who DO see the evil, and DO hear the evil, but do not speak of this evil. Instead they choose to say nothing. Not anything at all.

I for one believe in God. I believe that he sees everything we do. However, I also believe that he is slow to anger and act, but when he does take action it is swift and sure punishment. This punishment unfortunately I believe will be dished out to each and every one of us. Those who are guilty of the crimes against children, and also those who looked the other way or did nothing to stop it. Due to our actions we no longer deserve to be the top dog on this earth, so to speak. I expect that I will have to answer the same question when I am asked. Why did you not stop the attack on my children?

It has always been my fervent and sincere belief that when you see a child as a baby who is cooing and gurgling while staring into blank space, that they are speaking to angels and the son of God. After all who else would they be talking to? If you don’t believe it, watch a baby. I have to tell you that a verse in the Bible comes to mind and it says in Matthew 18:6 – “But whoso shall offend one of these little ones which believe in me, it were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and that he were drowned in the depth of the sea.”

It is my impression of this verse that the meaning is if you hurt or molest a child in any way the universe will punish you far worse than anything that you can imagine happening to you on this earth. Most of you who believe know this already. You who do not believe are in for a shock. I can make that statement with confidence!





Dear friends and followers,

Here we are with the 4th of July upon us. This is a time when we Americans concentrate on celebrating our country’s independence. Hopefully, most of us will be with friends or family BBQ’ing, swimming and picnicking, followed by spectacular fireworks shows. We might see reenactments of the Revolutionary War. Yes, this day is a cause for celebrating. Celebrating freedom. But, what is more important is remembering those individuals who have fought and died to preserve our countries liberties, including independence. The way of thinking that encompasses these brave men and women who fight for those freedoms are deep and loyal, especially to the people they feel they serve. You. The American citizen.

Today I wanted to share a poem that was sent to me. The author is a veteran of several wars. He feels the way so many other former fighting men feel. He writes about the men and women who have faced the hostilities of battle. This poem touched me. When I asked if I could print this, he said that he wished to be anonymous. Of course, I will honor that request. Maybe at a later date we can convince him to take credit.



Feel it brothers, hard and strong.

Feel it brothers, the wasteland calls.

All night long the fight goes on.

Looking out into the black night,

A missile strikes behind your back.

You turn to see your brother fall.

Your best friends dead, and that’s not all.

Feelings lost. You have none.

Your heads in pain. Your mind is numb.

It starts in fury, turns to rage.

It flows through your body and in every vein.

The fight to beat our fading hopes is not in vain.

The will to live fades to blood, but hope is certain to prevail.

In the end, some will live.

But in the end, it’s the end of us all.

I ponder which of those I am.

Will I die, or just go on?

The shout shrieks out. The battle cry.

Your blood runs cold. Most will die.

Sappers in the wire.

They’re blowing holes to kill us all.

Then it comes. The flood of men who want us all dead.

We fight. We bleed, and some will die.

We do it all so freedom flies.

There is no choice for men like us.

We live and die without much fuss.

When fates deals out the final blow, the worst you’ll hear from men like us is,

“Mother, take me home.”

From this, those who live face worse than this.

We have been to the gates of Hell.

He lives there. It is his home. His domain.

I know we fought him there.

Tomorrow brings a brand new day.

More horrors come, then go away.

We deal in death and nothing more.

We fight for life. A chance to breathe.

But nothing else is really free.

We break. We bleed. We die, but nothing helps.

The naked truth. We fought for peace and that’s for you.

We’re shot. We bleed. We fall to the ground, to get back up and fight on.

We break. We bleed.

But nonetheless, we face our fears to fight on.

No matter what the fates may bring, we bear the brunt and live with fear.

When the war is done and we get home, we’re not at peace.

The war goes on.

It now becomes a personal war to fight alone from our distant shore.

So far apart and yet so close, we stand alone on our own coast.

We fought one war, and yet we have to fight another one, forever.



So, while you are enjoying yourself during the celebration of our independence, remember those who keep us free. Thank a vet.

Have a wonderful 4th of July and be safe!


IN SEARCH OF THE ULTIMATE PREDATOR – Tracking The Self-Endangering Species

How many times have you heard it stated that the toughest, strongest, fastest, and most violent of man will control the fate of every creature on this planet? Isn’t that in part what Darwin was speaking of in his theory of survival of the fittest? But what about the animal that will torture its young for the mere pleasure of having ultimate power over another creature? The animal that will watch and wait for the chance to despoil one of its own. A being that has proven time and again that some of them can derive the greatest satisfaction when participating in the most violent acts.

No other animal for just the sheer pleasure of it attacks its own young. Not reptile, bird, or warm-blooded creature does this. True, an alligator will eat young alligators and male lions may eat the young of the prior alpha male both in an attempt to survive and to have their bloodlines and genes added to the species, although these attacks are not done with malice. On the contrary, this is part of their evolutionary traits. Even with attacks within species, the mothers do what they can to protect the lives of their young. However the contemptible creature that I refer to is not always loathsome.  On one hand they can be capable of beauty, love, compassion, and intelligence beyond compare. Something evidently goes haywire with some of them, and it is then that they become capable of such vile and despicable acts of depravity it completely baffles the imagination. It is the most abominable creature that crawls along God’s earth.

Ladies and gentlemen, after years of extensive study may I present to you, “mankind.” It is only mankind that has been responsible for the most shameful deeds that could be plotted, and is the vilest creature that I have ever encountered in my life. From the ongoing bloody wars and genocide to the victimization of its own young, they have proven beyond a doubt that they should be considered the most dangerous of all species on earth. But yet, some can show such love and dedication. Enough so that they risk their own lives for those they do not even know. What is there that I am somehow missing here about their true intentions considering the vast scale of this mentally variable creature?

From time immemorial it has been man that was the problem. The world is a chess game based on world affairs to human affairs. Throughout mankind’s history, our history, you can analyze accounts of ancient times of kings, queens, lords, ladies, as well as the rich and powerful barons, landowners, and their strong-arm overseers. All of who willingly oppressed, starved, and sacrificed the peasantry to make their own existences more pleasurable. The weak, lame, and insignificants have always been forced into submission by the controlling dominates. It is no different today than it has been in the past. To confirm this fact we only need to look to the history books and the current news. Every time I turn on my computer. The last time I read a newspaper. There it is in black and white, child abuse and exploitation is ever present. This morning when I turned on my television to watch the morning news, yet another child’s life had been taken far too soon. This could have happened at the hand of a mother or father or even a stranger who did not believe that the child had the God given right to be on this planet and survive. I am overwhelmed by the fact that young mothers and fathers are executing their children before they have had a chance at life! These are the people who are supposed to be a child’s first line of defense. In the past few months I have heard entirely too many stories of the most scandalous, and ghastly acts that could be inflicted upon a child. I have felt a sickness in my stomach and bile rising in my gullet with some of the depictions.

For those of you who follow me on twitter, you have probably already seen the horrendous news articles reporting on child abuse, rape, murder, trafficking, and torture that I have posted and reposted. The pictures and commentaries are ever-present and seem to be unending. I reposted the article about the young mother who killed her 6 and 10 year old but then botched her own suicide. (Maybe she should have just killed herself first to make sure she could get it right!) A professor, pediatrician, schoolteachers, paramedic, clergy, and even police are among those charged with sexually abusing little ones. Family members and caregivers molesting and hurting little children has become commonplace. Some of these are children so young that they are unable to communicate the details
of their abuse and rapes. These are stories of unspeakable maltreatment. Ones like the one of the mother who streamed the video of her performing oral sex on her 2 year old daughter for some pervert she met online. (She had her five year old record it!) The account of the mother who was trying to sell her thirteen year old daughters virginity on line for $10,000. Stories of murdered babies. Children who have been starved, caged, beaten, suffocated, scalded, burned with an iron, and two foster boys beat with a wire brush. I posted a story about a 2 year old that was “spanked” to death. How the HELL do you “spank” a child to DEATH!?! Isn’t there a point at when there is no moral way you can call this form of sadistic abuse spanking? The story of the ten week old twins who had acute fractures that were far too many to list. How can a parent be so dastardly as to break numerous bones in a tiny set of infants, whose bones are supposed to be too soft to break!?! This isn’t even remotely addressing the rapes and sexual abuse of thousands of other innocent youngsters.

We have government, local, and worldwide agencies whose sole purpose has been for the protection of the young, so why is the problem escalating? Do they even care? It is discouraging how the facts are now worse than they were fifty years ago. Supposedly, we have learned how abuse scars children for life. We have learned that there are alternatives to beating our children, and yet the abuse of children has touched every country and every citizen of the world. So, one of the articles I reposted was how badly the abuse rates rose and the numbers of children who ended up being abused during potty training time, or ages 2 to 4. Of course, these little ones can be trying. It is supposed to be a time of discovering independence, and even defiance for them. Sometimes they throw fits and sometimes they still accidently wet or soil themselves. They pour their milk on the floor just to watch it splash. They can cause more trouble in a bathroom than one person could possibly believe. It is part of growing up! It IS part of learning. These are not crimes that deserve the death penalty! But, repeatedly that is exactly what they are!

I often wonder if people have any tell-tale prior signs that they have a predisposed mental insanity trait that causes them to be so very brutal towards their own infants or toddlers. Violence in any way, shape, or form where little people are concerned, is not acceptable. There is of course little doubt that punishment is an important part of learning as is gaining a special treat or receiving something for proper behavioral responses. However, rational people are consciously aware of the dangers of any type of excessive force or punishment. A child is not a punching bag, and neither should their mother and siblings be. Way too often the perpetrator has some sort of excuse that they think will exonerate them of the crime. Like the victim really deserved it because of some offense. However, children who are hurt, disabled, or killed due to unrestricted or vindictive use of excessive force are not children being punished. They move into the category of victims of violent crimes. As I sit and contemplate the whys of this horrendous crime, I also have to wonder as to just why do people who have done these horrible things don’t just give the child to someone who isn’t going to starve, hurt, or kill them. I would hope that there was a point where the parent might have some glimpse of compassion towards their child!

It has become quite obvious to me that the devaluation of a child is now the normal way of life. If one listens to the proponents of abortion on demand, one has to ask themselves just where does the line begin and where does it end when a life can simply be washed away without conscious? Abortion on demand for birth control is spreading those same attitudes towards older children. First comes the belief that the fetus is not a person, and then the idea escalates until a toddler is not a real person either.

I hear the excuse that these abusers were abused themselves and couldn’t help but be inhuman. Well, isn’t that all the more reason for that person to treat their child better? After all, they should be the ones to remember what pain and shame abuse causes the child. I believe the answer lies in many venues of society. In fact, parents and other people who maliciously and viciously slaughter, rape, abuse, or murder a child, whether it is their child or someone else’s, should face swift and certain justice and stiff penalties. Penalties as severe as the crimes they committed. Child molesters should never be allowed access to any children again! If we have to, this should be enforced with the death penalty. Death! Maybe the answer would be to publically take those people who abuse their kids and let a group of outraged citizens who are sickened and appalled by these child attacks and let the citizens stomp a damn mudhole out of them! Maybe when people propose to have children, they should be forced to undergo testing and then evaluation on the proper care of children. No, I am not talking about the state or federal people having control over testing or education, after all, we don’t want good little robots either. Let’s publicly execute a few of these animals and make it a media event. I often think that the only way we are going to stop atrocities like child abuse is to implement such drastic measures we either put fear into these animals or do away with them permanently! Even though this would be a far reaching answer, I hear no others.


Looking Back Into Our Future

Old and New – I have to wonder just how many of us can look back to when we heard our parents and other adults in our lives say the following, “The world is going to hell in a hand basket!” Can you remember what the reasons were for this kind of statement? Boots can still vividly remember his dad who would say this to him. I remember my grandfather and uncle saying exactly the same thing. It was that the newer generation lacked honor, respect, responsibility, and commitment. Not only for themselves, but for our country, and even life
itself! Now, as I contemplate the state of humanity as it stands today, I see that Boot’s dad was not only right, but in so many ways he was prophetic with the statements that he made!

It was during the 1960’s that the American way of life and points of view on morality, patriotism, and responsibility was forever changed. It was a time when young people were busy ushering in a society of free love, God is dead, abortion on demand, drugs, and rock-and-roll. Using the credo, “tune in, turn on, and drop out” a huge portion of this generation thought of only their own pleasures. The mantra was put forth by the father of L.S.D., Dr. Timothy Leary. The attitude he inspired and the wide spread acceptance of this way of life was a crucial turning point towards the downfall of the American youth and America itself. Mothers and fathers saw it happening, but were powerless to stop it.

Boots tells me how even as a young boy he believed his father was correct in his estimation of American youth and America’s future. GOING TO HELL IN A HAND BASKET!!! He said how he had made no bones about his beliefs and opinions, which mirrored those of his fathers, when he was a grade school child. He told his then fifth grade teacher, Ms. Nelson, that we as human beings were degenerates just waiting for the right time to prove how depraved and morally polluted as a race we could be. Of course, she was totally horrified by his
statement. However, I know Boots wishes that she was alive today to see our worst nightmares coming to fruition in the present day world, right before our eyes.

The 1960’s was an age when a vast majority of that generation was lost to drugs or the Vietnam War. Of those who served in Vietnam, oftentimes whether or not they saw combat as Boots did, they came home maladjusted, confused, disrespected, and lost to an ungrateful and changing set of societal standards. Many of them turned to drugs or alcohol to try to forget, or at least numb the agony that many of these brave souls feel to this day. A percentage of vets became so called “bush vets” in an attempt to hide from people who looked down on them. Most of these were the vets who had been treated extremely cruelly for doing their patriotic duties.  Some had been physically abused and even spit on. The counter culture to the war vets were the anti-establishment “hippies” and a culture of total moral abandonment. With them it quickly became a time of
disrespectful, do nothing, do your own thing, which in turn led our children to become progressively morally bankrupt throughout all the waves of children who preceded my generation until today.

Evidence – There are religious writings that predict this sort of behavior in society will not only be prevalent, but will surpass the degradations of history. The Koran, the holy book of the Muslims, and the Torah, Judaism’s most sacred text, both speak of mankind spiraling into the pitfalls of vile corruption. However, the book that I am referring to is the Christian bible and the part of the book I am speaking of is in Matthew,
Chapter 10 verses 21 – 22.  In this revelation Jesus speaks to his disciples and says, “Brother will betray brother to death, and a father his child; children will rebel against their parents and have them put to death. (22) And ye shall be hated by all men for my name’s sake: but he that endureth to the end shall be saved.” This passage predicts a time of religious persecution and the abatement of all that is good. Later, in chapter 24, Jesus compares the days of strife (are we in those days now?) as those paralleling the days of Noah when the people were filled with debauchery. Does this sound familiar?

Causes – So, then I pondered about where and when the people of the United States began to lose their faith? How did all this come about? Actually, it is quite simple. In 1960, Madalyn Murray O’Hare, an atheist woman, voiced her opposition to God, reverence, and prayer in public schools. She objected to her son participating in Bible readings in the Baltimore public schools and became more than just a little vocal in stating so. This brought about a lawsuit that once decided on by the Supreme Court, changed the view of Christianity in the United States. I believe that the Supreme Court of our nation errantly ruled that only by abolishing prayer would Ms. O’Hare’s Constitutional rights not be violated. But what about the rights of those who believe and trust in a higher power? In the Supreme Court’s far sweeping liberal opinion they struck down every citizen’s right to worship God, however we might see him, where and when we choose to. Subsequently, our right to
worship God was banned from all public places in America. This was an effort to take God and goodness away from the American people. By the way. The son, that O’Hare stated she was so vehemently fighting for, was baptized in the Baptist church in 1980. He was adamant that his mother had her own wicked agenda when
she took the case against God to the Supreme Court. Her life was spent fervently trying to obliterate the concept of God and anything pertaining to Christianity, and he felt he was used as a puppet for her cause.

All of the above stated reasons left a hole or vacuum in civilized society. I am afraid it was my generation along with the prior one that seemed to be the lynch pin that broke, letting the genie out of the bottle. It only stood to reason that since the socialist right-wing liberals had managed to strike God from our country, our liberties and patriotism would naturally be next. Patriotism is now the target for either being limited or banned. I can
say this is partially due to the lack of patriotism in the classroom.

Teachers fail to instruct their students on the meaning and the importance of voicing the pledge of allegiance. Recently, One California art teacher went so far as to make an example of one girl’s patriotic pride by
ridiculing her project.  The young girl had drawn an American flag, and the teacher actually said it was “offensive.” Does this mean a child can no longer draw the symbol of America the flag without fear of ridicule? Another California boy was told by his school principal that he could no longer fly an American flag on his bike as he rode to school. This was after he had been flying the flag for over two months.  He flew the flag to be patriotic and to honor all veterans like his own grandfather. The principal chose Veteran’s Day to ban the American flag in America! He was afraid it might be the cause of violence.  On Cinco de Mayo, five students were sent home from another school for wearing tee shirts with the American flags on them. The school officials were worried that the patriotic shirts might trigger violence. There were some Mexican-American
students who said that wearing the flag shirts on Cinco de Mayo was disrespectful because it was a Mexican Day. So, are these kids Mexican or American??? And, is displaying the American flag now something we need to do privately so we are not harassed or attacked? What is next? What does it mean to be an American citizen, and live and love American soil?

So now, we have attempted to destroy God and destroy patriotism. No flags, no crosses or religious icons. What we have done in fact is destroyed that sense of belonging. Of being one made of many. That sense of morality and honor that makes us Americans. There are no moral boundaries because there is no God or social responsibilities taught that reinforce those boundaries. Without patriotism true citizenship means nothing. Without citizenship and morality, there is no reason to follow the laws, moral or legal.

Speaking from a position of personal knowledge, I can still find no flaw in what Boots and my family said or told us about the future and what it would entail. Every prediction they made has come to pass. If you or I turn on the internet, read a newspaper, or listen to the radio you soon began to realize that the crime rate is much greater than the government admits to. In this country the percentage of people from twelve years old and up who are now felons is rising at an alarming rate. With America itself having ten million methamphetamine addicts and four million heroin addicts, not to mention the roughly eighteen million died in the wool alcoholics, no wonder the family unit is suffering and God only knows what else! We certainly do not need any more young people acting like animals.

Alas, when Castro emptied his jails and they were brought to America along with the most violent gangs from Europe, South America, and Central America. Millions of our young people joined up with one or another of the one-hundred and eighty-seven street gangs now operating in our country today. The young people who are members of these gangs are involved in drug manufacturing, drug trafficking, and dealing. They are also deeply involved in child prostitution and the procurement of children for prostitution, or outright sales of children to pedophiles or older organized crime syndicates. Street gangs also participate in and are responsible for many of the murders, burglaries, armed robberies, home invasion robberies, and smash and grab thefts, along with many other sundry criminal acts. Too many of these children and young people have little or no respect for themselves, let alone anyone else. These kids and prior generations have cheapened life to the point that for them to take a life or to sell a life means nothing to them personally. With the advent of television shows and video games that depicts killing to the point of who gives a damn, what else should we expect from our youth? The newest outrage on television is the story of a teacher turned drug manufacturer and dealer who kills people and policemen. He is portrayed as a hero.

Solutions – I have talked of old and new problems and have yet to talk of the myriad of requirements for solutions to all of the problems now facing us as parents, citizens, and Americans. I wonder if there actually is a way to revert back to a simpler time. A time when doors were left unlocked and you did not have to look for a sexual predator in any one who wanted to be kind to your child. A time when kids saluted the military man when they saw him and proudly stated that they were glad to be Americans. A time when happy children ran door to door on Halloween evening, not afraid to accept a bit of sweet from their neighbors. I guess what I am saying is there is no simple solution for the ills that befall our country in 2011. Yes, we have opened Pandora’s Box. Woe be to mankind. For those of us who remain steadfast, we have to continue doing what we have always done. Love your babies. Watch out for their safety and the safety of all the children. Love your country, and the patriots who keep it safe. Love your god, or higher power, or ultimate existence, whatever you should call her. PRAY.

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